17 things we want to redesign completely in India - Palette69


17 things we want to redesign completely in India

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From small everyday annoyances to larger challenges in life –everyone encounters various frustrations from time to time. However, it’s often those minor inconveniences that grind at us the most.

Some are simply unavoidable such as trying to put together furniture using vague instructions or filling out repetitive forms with redundant information. 

Then there are other frustrations like struggling to find available parking spaces or wrestling with the tightly sealed plastic packaging that requires scissors or a knife –leaving us questioning why there hasn’t been any improvement in design yet.

But while these irritations may seem futile at times they can become catalysts for inspiration and innovation when approached from different perspectives. 

At Palette69 we’re constantly exploring new ways of thinking outside the box and reimagining products through creative and meaningful design.


We have a list of things that we want to give a new design. Be prepared for some unconventional ideas.

1. Toys should be re-designed to be more educative and interactive for both parents and kids, like the Rigamajig toy. They should also be made without using toxic chemicals and plastic.

2. To enhance transportation, we suggest the inclusion of flying machines such as 2-seater or 4-seater drone cabs.

3. The laundry system in India has many flaws such as low quality, high cost, and poor customer service. It can be redesigned by using modern technology, barcode tracking, a mobile app, a centralized platform, and data analytics.

4. Regrettably, the Indian education system hasn’t evolved in such a way as to meet modern-day demands for customized learning opportunities that are both practical and suited for personal growth. Our thirst for knowledge goes beyond mere bookish theory but rather seeks relevance through impact-driven results – results that enrich lives beyond classroom walls. This insight essentially necessitates a paradigm shift towards revitalizing traditional schooling methods by adopting more immersive techniques tailored towards experiential learning reinforced by incentives grounded in real-life applications.

5. The Indian law and court system is slow, complex, and unfair. We want to redesign it by using technology, timelines, and alternative methods.

6. A device that reduces stress without drugs or medicine.

7. How to Reduce the Use of Plastic in Consumer Goods. We explore the problem of plastic pollution and how it can be re-designed for a better sustainable future. It suggests using alternative materials such as paper, glass, metal or biodegradable plastics for packaging consumer goods such as snacks, biscuits, milk, curd and others.

8. Networking is a vital skill that we often learn late and poorly. We want to redesign networking to make it more fun and meaningful by joining groups and clubs that suit us.  This shall be taught in school at an early stage.

9. Online shopping experience should be more informative and ethical, rather than addictive and manipulative. Many online shopping platforms use techniques that influence consumers’ choices and behaviour without respecting their preferences and values. A possible analogy is the legal but regulated marketing of weed in Canada, which follows certain guidelines to protect the consumers. A similar approach can be adopted for online selling businesses.

10. The Indian SME sector requires a financing system that can simplify access to government schemes. With Zerodha’s success in streamlining stock trading, a similar approach could be applied by utilizing technology and data to create a more transparent, clear, and quicker financing process for SMEs.

11. Applying for a home loan in India requires careful planning and research, as there are many aspects and choices to consider. However, most of the portals that offer loans are biased and misleading. The system needs to be reformed and regulated.

12. The liquor industry in India should balance healthy and cheap alcohol options. Alcohol has health benefits and risks depending on the type, amount, and quality. But do consumers have any idea about it, we shall design this in a more informative way to give consumers a better perspective before making their decision.

13. Gaming with the mind instead of the body.

14. Solar or wireless power instead of tangled wires and cables on the street.

15. There are too many tech apps and tools for shopping, entertainment and productivity. A platform that can provide better choices based on testing and universal criteria is needed.

16. Ocean-purified water to irrigate crops and overcome water scarcity.

17. A Filter for any choices we make, presently the options are many and confusing. I am talking about everything in general especially the online one.

The art of design goes beyond mere aesthetics and physical appearances. It involves the careful orchestration of various elements such as visually appealing designs, engaging experiences, and practical functionality.


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