Good design makes you happy

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Good design goes beyond aesthetics. It evokes a response in you.

Visceral, behavioural, and reflective are the three crucial levels that makeup strong, evocative design. While typeface, imagery, and language all contribute to designs that make you happy, we’re interested in the science behind why certain designs succeed while others fall flat. It’s time to put your reasoning minds aside and pay attention to your feelings.


It’s time for a gut reaction

You’ve probably been angered by a piece of art at some point in your life.

It’s normal to feel a strong emotional response to the things we observe in our daily lives. A TV interface can be excruciatingly annoying, a deformed apple curiously humorous, or a boxy car amusing enough to mention to a friend. It comes from our instinct.

This is what is known as a visceral approach to design. Beauty, feel, and that first gut reaction to a design all fall under this umbrella term. Some of our most basic reactions to particular designs are explored in this piece. It’s not enough to make a design seem good; it also needs to elicit feelings of delight and anticipation in the viewer. That wow factor is a result of the ideal combination of colour, typography, and art design. It’s a little like falling in love all over again.

Consider the newest iMac model. You can’t help but fall in love with the vibrant hues. Combined with their sleek new design, they evoke memories of the old plastic-cased iMacs from our childhoods (or first jobs). Now, even a basic computer may open up an entirely new world of creative possibilities. It fills us with a euphoric sense of well-being. Using only the medium of colour. A smart concept, to be sure.


Easy peasy lemon squeezy

Design theory’s behavioural layer examines how we interact with a design.

Usability is another term for this. It’s important to remember that a design should not only look attractive but should also be functional. We develop trust through the usability of a design. This isn’t the first time you’ve encountered an app or website that was tough to use. You don’t hang around to see if you can figure it out; instead, you leave. The more you enjoy using it, the more inclined you are to do so again.

The behavioural component is critical when it comes to brand building. It’s all about usability, performance, and functionality. When something works, we instinctively know it, and when it doesn’t, we instinctively feel it.


Hey Siri, this or that?

You’ve got a decision to make.

You have the option of purchasing a plain watch or a more ornate one. Both of them tell the same time. They both have the same facial features. But many of us choose the attractive watch instead.

Visceral and behavioural design come together in a way that transcends mere social standing. It combines joy and usefulness. When you can have something wonderful, why settle for something that merely fulfils your needs?

Reflective design is at play here. Those feelings of joy are part of it. It’s the ah-ha moment of discovering a solution that performs exactly as expected and sharing your excitement with a friend. The sense of accomplishment you experience when you see a particular piece of art. Self-expression is at the heart of it all.


The epilogue

It all boils down to this: Good design excites and motivates; it sparks action.

If you are someone who wants a great design that makes people happy, our team at Palette69 fit the spaces perfectly. Feel free to reach out to us to know more about our services.


Writing Credit – Drishti Shah


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