UI tips and tricks to elevate your designs, exponentially!

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We’re back with some tips and tricks up on our sleeves.

Keep in mind these ten principles while creating user interfaces to ensure that they are beautiful, intuitive, and focused on the needs of the end user.

Are you ready? Let’s go!


1. How well do you know your users?

You must thoroughly understand your users. That involves knowing what demographic data your analytics apps can pull. It also involves recognising what they need and what’s blocking them from reaching their goals.

Empathy demands more than numbers analysis. Knowing your website’s visitors is crucial. Face-to-face conversations, observing people use your product (and others), and asking deeper questions than “What do you think of this design?”

Their objectives? What impedes their progress? How can a website help them?

Don’t stop at user wants. Discover their needs. Needs drive desires. If you meet a user’s deepest need, you’ll satisfy their wants and basic needs.

Data analysis and user interviews will guide every decision you make, from how people use your interface to what material you highlight.


2. Are you listening? TO THE DATA

Optimising your design to fulfil its aim is just as vital as its artistic worth.

While user research and testing can guide design considerations, post-launch data is invaluable.

Set up web metrics and check them often. 


3. Oops! I made a mistake

Mistakes happen, but people shouldn’t (always) suffer. Two things can reduce human error:

  1. Avoid errors.
  2. Provide after-the-fact fixes

Ecommerce and form design has many error-prevention approaches. After filling out all fields, the buttons become activated. Forms detect incorrect email addresses. Pop-ups ask whether you want to abandon your shopping basket.

Preventing errors is generally easier than fixing them because they happen before the “Next” or “Submit” button’s pleasurable sensation of completion.

You must let accidents happen sometimes. Detailed error messages shine then.

Error messages should do two things:

  1. The problem
  2. How to fix it


4. Quick! Feedback time

Digital interfaces all too frequently don’t provide anything in return, leaving us to ponder if we should reload the website, restart the laptop, or simply throw it out the first open window.

Please provide the loading animation. Make the button click when pressed, but not too much. 

Be fast, that’s the trick!


Now that you’ve mastered the fundamentals, it’s time to move on.

Begin creating beautiful user interfaces right away. 

Move on 🙂


Writing Credit – Drishti Shah


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